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Group Discount

We recognize many of our long-time supporters saw the greater traveling distance to BRCC, “a bridge too far.” In an effort to win you back we are offering a 20% discount from $15/per ticket to $12.00 per ticket for groups of six or more and a complementary ticket for your driver for transporting you to your play at BRCC.

This discount is available to any group of 6 or more who purchase their tickets as a group online; whether they have a driver or travel together.

Ticket Information

Thank you for your interest in our season.

All seats are general seating.  For the best seats, come early.

BRCC is handicapped accessible. Handicapped parking is available near the theatre entrance.

Doors open one half hour before curtain.

Order tickets on-line at this website through Seatyourself or pay at the door; major credit cards and cash are accepted.

Save on individual show prices by buying a 3-play season ticket available thru the first show of the season.

Contact Players by email at


Should it become necessary for Players to cancel a performance, an announcement will be made via Facebook, Instagram, Mail Chimp email and local radio and TV stations, by noon of the cancelled show date. For refunds contact us at