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It’s a Wonderful Life

A Live Radio Play by Joe Landry / produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.

Streaming December 11th-14th
Ticket Price: $10
A portion of ticket sales to benefit WARM.

It's a Wonderful Life

Ticket Purchase Instructions

STEP 1: Click here to go to the show page.

STEP 2: Click “play” or the image to the right of the screen to purchase a stream.

STEP 3: Log in /Create an Account

  • If you haven’t done so already, you will be prompted to either log in or create an account.
  • If you already have a Broadway On Demand account, enter your email and password in the given fields.
  • If you don’t already have a Broadway On Demand account, select “Click here to Sign Up” and enter an email and password.

STEP 4: Pay for Your Stream

Once you’ve logged in or created your account, you will be automatically taken to the payment page. Here you can pay for the stream with a credit card or PayPal.

If you’ve been given a Promo code (sometimes referred to as Access Code), enter the code into the “Add Promo Code” field and click apply.

STEP 5: Confirm your purchase to complete the transaction.

  • Congratulations! You’ve completed your purchase and now are ready for the show!

How to Watch the Show

Visit the event show page between December 11th-14th.

  • If you haven’t done so already, you will be prompted to log in to your account. When the event becomes available, click “play” and the production will begin playing. Enjoy the show!

If you experience any difficulties trying to purchase or access the production, please email

Cast List