It’s a Wonderful Life
A Live Radio Play by Joe Landry / produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
A Live Radio Play by Joe Landry / produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
Streaming December 11th-14th
Ticket Price: $10
A portion of ticket sales to benefit WARM.
STEP 1: Click here to go to the show page.
STEP 2: Click “play” or the image to the right of the screen to purchase a stream.
STEP 3: Log in /Create an Account
STEP 4: Pay for Your Stream
Once you’ve logged in or created your account, you will be automatically taken to the payment page. Here you can pay for the stream with a credit card or PayPal.
If you’ve been given a Promo code (sometimes referred to as Access Code), enter the code into the “Add Promo Code” field and click apply.
STEP 5: Confirm your purchase to complete the transaction.
Visit the event show page between December 11th-14th.
If you experience any difficulties trying to purchase or access the production, please email