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Wit Auditions

Waynesboro Players is pleased to announce auditions for:

‘Wit’ by Margaret Edson.

Directed by Emily Bump Girard.

Prof. Vivian Bering is a renowned scholar of John Dunne’s poetry, which is known for its metaphysical conceit—wit. When she is diagnosed with stage four cancer she agrees, as a “significant contribution to knowledge” to undergo an experimental course of chemotherapy. With her own dry humor, she shares her journey with the audience in a story of hope and self -reflection, kindness and respect, sadness, and, in a way, triumph.

Roles to be cast:

Dr. Harvey Kelekian — Chief of Medical Oncology. Older, wiser, more patient oriented. He also plays Vivian’s father in a flashback to her childhood

Dr. Jason Posner — Younger, perhaps late 20s, early 30s. A Clinical Fellow of Medical Oncology. He is a bit impatient with the people-oriented side of his work but tries to remember he is dealing with human beings. He really just wants to get on with the research and the science.

Susie Mohahan — R.N. B.S.N. Primary Nurse, Cancer Inpatient Unit. Caring and concerned, she is Vivian’s main contact. No specific age requirement.

E.M.Ashford — Older, retired Professor Emerita of English Literature. Vivian’s mentor and visitor. We also see her in a flashback to Vivian’s college days.

4 hospital workers — They become the lab technicians, clinical fellows, students, and the code team as the story requires; will also function as stage hands. @brcc_finearts

Audition dates are:

  • Friday, December 8, 2023 – BRCC, Fine Arts Building V, Black Box Theatre 6 pm to 8 pm
  • Sunday, December 10, 2023 – Players Warehouse, 722 East Main Street, Waynesboro – 3 pm to 5 pm

Performances will be at:

Blue Ridge Community College 
Fine Arts Building V
Black Box Theatre

Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024 at 7:30; Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024 at 3 pm
Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2 at 7:30 and Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 3 pm